Evelyn & Audrey & Heather

United States > > > with Sang Made in Indonesia

We have always enjoyed reading about VAWAA experiences but when we saw this one, we just had to go! We wanted to learn about the Indonesian cultural treasure of batik while immersing ourself in the culture of this beautiful country. We had the most incredible week we could have imagined. We learned so much about batik and how it is created, Sang Made taught us so much about different techniques and effects, and we got to try it out all week long alongside people who make the most beautiful batik in the world. We loved spending the week with Sang Made and Giri and their friends and colleagues - we really got to know them and consider them friends. They put a lot of thought into where we went at night and during free time, so we got to see gorgeous ancient temples and eat delicious food at a variety of places. We had a whirlwind of a week that also felt relaxed as we lost ourselves in batik making during the days. I can not say enough about how wonderful these people are and how talented Sang Made is, and how grateful we are that they shared their time with us during a week that we will always remember.