
United States > > > with Anastasia in Spain

I find travel to be therapeutic in keeping perspective and was looking for a trip to refresh mine, specifically on my artistic career as I apply for further education and residencies. I'm sure I would have my fair share of epiphanies and self discovery had I simply booked plane fare, but VAWAA made it so seamless and blew my expectations out of the water. I was able to recenter (pottery pun) my focus on my art and trust that the career part will follow, instead of putting the cart before the horse. I have a renewed and even newfound confidence as an artist with pride in my work and motivation for the future.

I was able to recenter (pottery pun) my focus on my art and trust that the career part will follow, instead of putting the cart before the horse. I have a renewed and even newfound confidence as an artist with pride in my work and motivation for the future.